From BLM to White Privilege: Is the Irish State Pushing a Divisive Agenda in Schools?

There has been significant controversy recently regarding the SPHE school syllabus, which is seen by some as attempting to educate or indoctrinate children. An Irish family is depicted as little more than backward, insular country bumpkins, while an international family is portrayed as sophisticated, cool, and trendy. Furthermore, there has been uproar concerning the sexual education component of the syllabus.

In a previous article, I wrote about something called the “long march through the institutions,” a tactic, which I believe, that seeks to dismantle nationalism from within the state’s institutions, such as the education system. In my view, these recent controversies are examples of this tactic in action, ultimately aligning with the UN and UNESCO’s “global citizenship” agenda.

A key element many people are missing in this debate is why the Irish state is indoctrinating children with the Black Lives Matter (BLM) agenda. By introducing this, they are effectively sneaking Critical Race Theory (CRT) into schools through the back door.

Nearly all of the leaders of the BLM movement are fervent Critical Race Theorists. Critical Theory, in turn, can be traced directly back to the Frankfurt School, a group of extremist communist/marxists who sought to upend society in their quest for a globalist utopia. Rather than accept communism as the failed ideology it became, they adapted and refined it for future decades.

Of the more recent hue, for example, Melina Abdullah, Co Founder of BLM stated: “We’ve never been just about ending police violence, but about disrupting state-sanctioned violence against Black people.”

Now excuse my ignorance but what laws have ever been sanctioned on this Island which systemically discriminated against citizens of the state based on the colour of their skin?  Historically, north of the border there was discrimination perpetrated by white men and women against other white men and women. Nothing to do with skin colour. It is my belief, that due to the rather sinister origins of BLM movement the entire agenda is tainted in particular from an Irish perspective.

In my opinion, the Irish state, via BLM, is brainwashing new immigrants into believing that we owe them some kind of historical debt—that we must make amends for wrongs we didn’t commit. This is not our history. This is a lie fomented by extremist woke elements and their race-baiting NGO comrades. A lie that will lead to long-term division—a division that, I believe, suits many of them fine. After all, you need problems to justify the state funneling some of that annual €6.3 billion into the NGO sector.

The fact is, the Irish state has recently hired a hardline critical race theorist in Ebun Joseph as the new special Rappoteur on racism.  She’s previously been quoted as saying: “You are kneeling on our necks, and that’s why I’m saying, we can’t breathe”. Forgive me, but I would be under the impression that the 100k package given to Ebun in this new role would allow her to breath quite well but that’s just my humble opinion!

I also firmly believe that the vast majority of normal law abiding immigrants coming into this country would have absolutely no time for this type of nonsense.

White privilege in Ireland?

This brings us to the white privilege agenda which clearly some government minsters where salivating with the the thoughts of introducing into Irish schools. For example, Green Minister Joe O Brien stated “I don’t think white privilege is a racist concept!!” Minister for Education Norma Foley decided, for now, at least, to leave out teaching/indoctrinating Irish children about their “white privilege”.

I suppose, in my view, Foley must have realised that this one might have been a hard sell when you factor in that over one million white Irish had the “privilege” of being starved to death during the famine, building famine roads for bowls of watery soup,  and many millions more had the “privilege” of boarding coffin ships. Not to mention  many millions more used as cannon fodder in various wars not of our own making.

Undoubtedly, in the USA in particular, black people have suffered systemic oppression. This is beyond doubt. But why import this grievance into Ireland? It is not our history!

An uncomfortable fact for many of the proponents of bringing American based grievances into Ireland is that in 1631 Baltimore in West Cork was attacked and sacked by a gang of slave trading Pirates mostly made up of men from North Africa. In the course of this attack, some estimates have it that up to 237 Irish where put in chains and taken away as slaves by the Africans.

But this historical fact wouldn’t suit the programme for the BLM activists or the unelected Bureaucrats deciding policy, so no chance of this history being thought to anyone!  Or in modern times,  how about the privilege of young white Northern Irish males suffering one of the biggest suicide rates in Europe? I could go on….

In finishing, I noticed how the CSPE school syllabus contains a number of abject lies. Where they have labelled it as untrue that “refugees and asylum seekers are all given houses to live in for free.”  This is directly contradicted by the fact that Roderick O Gorman tweeted in 8 different languages that refugees would be given “own door accommodation” after 4 months.  They also labelled it untrue “that refugees and asylum seekers are not vetted.” How can you vet when up to 70% have destroyed their documents upon arrival and you dont know who they are?  There are also a number of other serious distortions and untruths in this particular book.

I must say, that of all the parties standing for election Peadar Toibins Aontu is the only party that has voiced concerns in relation to this type of state indoctrination/propaganda that is starting to infect the Irish education system.  Credit where credit is due.